Sunday, July 31, 2011

Terrific Twos? Hardly, but there's still hope

Like most parents of 2-year-olds, I am quick to complain about what my toddler is doing to live up to the billing of the "Terrible Twos."

Tonight, I witnessed something that makes this age group rather... terrific.

Around 7:30, Jacob and I were playing with his Mega Blocks (oversized Duplos) and watching an Elmo DVD. I told him it was getting close to his bedtime so we needed to start cleaning up the blocks that were scattered across the floor.

He shouted "NO," stomped his feet and ran away to pout in the corner.

Terrible Twos at its basic level.

About 10 minutes remained on the Elmo DVD. Rather than completely ticking him off, I sought a compromise.

I called him over. He slowly walked toward me, head down, bottom lip protruding.

"We can play until Elmo is over. OK?" I said.

"Kay," he replied cheerfully before sitting down to play with the blocks.

Short time later, the credits began to roll. "OK Jacob, Elmo's over," I told him.

Before I could remind of the second part of our deal, he already had three blocks in his hands and was walking toward the bag.

My jaw hit the ground. I was floored. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My son had remembered our agreement and was fulfilling his half of the promise without even a reminder and some usual prodding.

Seamlessly he collected every block, gently placed each one in the bag and then carried it over to its designated corner of the room.

I gave him a hug and told him how proud I was of him. A big smile across his face told me he was proud for himself, too.


Monday, July 25, 2011

Summer of travels & changes

Jacob started preschool this week, signaling the official end to an adventurous summer that took the 2-year-old across thousands of miles through the air and on the road.

From Tennessee to Texas to Chicago and down to the Florida gulf coast, Jacob experienced things that now will remain with him forever through his quickly developing vocabulary.

Beach, water, boat, algae, sand, crab, shark, yellow cab, pool, baseball, pitch, hit, kick, lion, gorilla, monkey and giraffe are a just a few of the many words he developed from his travels.


Here are a few highlights from our summer:

In Dallas...
  • Went to an indoor safari, where he rode a mechanical zebra.
  • Attended a couple baseball games that created a love for the game, at least the throwing and hitting parts. He met players, saw pitchers in action up close and learned the throwing motions, spitting included. He gets excited now every time he sees baseball on TV.

In Chicago...
  • Rode in a cab (that was a car seat-less experience for us all)
  • Saw about a dozen suburban fireworks shows light up the southern horizon from our hotel room on the 25th floor
  • Visited Lincoln Park zoo where he saw a lions, gorillas and rhinos up close—three animals that are not at the Nashville zoo
  • Played in the frigid water of Lake Michigan
In Fort Walton Beach, Fla. ...
  • Listened to/watched Elmo Potty Time at least two dozen times in the car and throughout the week
  • Played in the white sand and water Gulf of Mexico. Jacob enjoyed smashing my dream to build the most amazing sand castle, or even a very simplistic one. He enjoyed shoveling sand into his giant Tonka dump truck, pouring it out and then being pushed around in it... by me. He enjoyed being buried up to his waist in sand.
  • Jacob was able to communicate with us whether he wanted to go to the beach or the pool.
  • I drove home solo with Jacob in the back seat (Erin left early to attend a teacher conference). Jacob was surprisingly cooperative. We stopped only four times during the 450-mile trip, had no accidents, ate well and napped for three hours. A great end to an amazing summer!

Muffin Tin Monday

Florida/Beach Style

Top Left- Starfish brownie, sand applesauce with fruit rollup crab, cheese boat
Bottom left- Dolphin and Whale chicken nuggets, Algae (peas) with Meatball beach ball, and fish sticks

We spent all week last week on the beach in Ft. Walton Beach, FL. Jacob had a blast and thought that this theme would fit perfect!

Check out other MTM's

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Muffin Tin Monday

Muffin Tin Monday- Sports Style!

So Jacob is really into sports right now. You can tell if you read the post below! Doesn't matter what sport it is, he always thinks its baseball. LOL. If the sport has a ball then its baseball. So I figured I would do a sports theme this week.

Top Left- Cheese football, Bologna pendant, fruit rollup Stars (for Allstar)
Bottom Left- Yummy toast jersey, Baseballs (meatballs), and a baseball bat(banana with stars on it. Thanks to Bri for the idea)
Check out other Muffin Tin Mondays

Muffin Tin Monday at

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Team Jock-ob

Jacob has become a sports junkie. Baseball, soccer, football, basketball, golf, pool—he loves to play them all.

He's become obsessed with baseball after attending a couple minor league games this summer. He doesn't have the attention span to sit in a seat for three hours and watch the game along the baseline, but he does enjoy seeing the pitchers and hitters up close behind the plate. Since then, he always shouts "bayse ball!" when he sees it on TV.

He's surrounded sports. Erin's dad, of course, showed him how to throw a baseball—spitting and wind-up motions included. My sister bought him a soccer goal for his birthday, my parents bought him a soft Titans football that he likes to throw in the air and I'm teaching him to shoot a jumper... or at least how not to shoot a jumper. On recent trips, he got to experience golf and pool.

Here are several videos highlighting Jacob's athletic prowess. I hope coach Self is watching.

Jacob's Sweet J

Throwing the Heater


Hustling Pool

Putting Time

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Muffin Tin Monday (a day late)

So happy to finally do a Muffin Tin Monday again. We just got back from Chicago yesterday morning and drove to Clarksville yesterday evening for some fun 4th of July fireworks with Eric, Bri, and Waylon. Bri does Muffin Tin Mondays as well so we decided to do it together! YAY!!

Theme: 4th of July (of course)
Top left- Fruit Star (oranges with a grape), chocolate covered pretzel and a cupcake, strawberry stars with a 4th of july strawberry (white chocolate and blue sugar)
Bottom left- Yogurt with red and blue sprinkles, USA hotdog, red and white chips
Decorated beautifully to celebrate Independence Day

Thanks to Bri for doing Muffin Tin Monday with me. The Boys loved it!

Check out more muffin tin mondays here:

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